Record of some of the computer tech I deal with so that it's documented at least somewhere.

Saturday 16 August 2008

OS choosing time

I've been running Windows64bit as my primary for 6 months. Only because I was working on some fla transforms. XP64 sucks royally. Not that it's all XP's own fault. You just expect more than you get.

What you get is Windows drivers you can't install, probably also unavailable on other OSes. Your expectation gets lifted but then dashed. Windows is too generic a term. On X64 distros (Linux & BSD) you get a list to choose from, not a web to search so one's restrictions don't feel so restrictive (ho, hum not too much sense :) - Flash & sound always seem to be the killers!

8Gb of RAM is looking like an overspend if I can't find a decent 64bit OS. I hopt BSD64 is a winner 'cos that's next!

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