Record of some of the computer tech I deal with so that it's documented at least somewhere.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Installing OSX Leopard again

Last time I tried to install Leopard I found some version clashes with Final Cut & Compressor - namely PPC compressor doesn't work and one needs Universal Compressor (according to some forums). After the heartache of DVD authoring not working I shall try again.

Step 1.
Install Leopard from DVD

Great start, it's kept the volume name. Scratch01 isn't too great! See you in Calculating... minutes (it said 1 hour, turned out to be 20 mins).

Installed the optional dev tools, X11, gcc et al.

Upon reboot it asked me to fix quartermaster's permissions, it didn't complain on the next reboot

Installed Final Cut Pro Upgrade, including LiveType and Comrpessor

Comrpessor still doesn't work - no suprise there, but now I discover we don't even have iDvd

Downloaded Pacifist from to look for packages I've missed
DVD Studio doesn't install from the DVD Studio Content disk even though it's universal, FCP refuses because it's a set of Intel disks, agghhh, someone's snaffled our Universal!

It needs DSPGroup, XSKey, SharedComponents, ProCoreA, ProRuntime

And, of course, a valid serial number.

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