Record of some of the computer tech I deal with so that it's documented at least somewhere.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

MPlayer OSX Revisited - failed

The MPlayer OSX Extended tells you all you need to know about GUI oriented OSes. You can't launch it from the command line properly you have to tell it what to open with a series of pulleys.

So I'm trying to compile it using these instructions. I already tried using ./configure && make but that failed with _ff_eval2 missing symbol.

For extra points I have to avoid upgrading to 10.5 as there might be no going back.

I'm also a bit hungry, the chip shop is closed. Curse that Rocco and his real life, doesn't he know we researchers of the deep rely on his potato chipping and frying skills.

WTF does subversion need sqlite3 for !. Do they really need to express their data access in SQL ! We're always one step away from being Crystal Reports in the end.

Needed an extra : port install libtool. nah, did a MacPorts upgrade : sudo port -d selfupdate
and then port installed all the pre-requisites again! ages.

Try not to ever do this yourself without a big book to read while it takes forever with no guarantee of success, even if it works I know it won't do what I want. BUt what I will have is working source code, that's golden.

game over, updated subversion source doesn't compile

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