Record of some of the computer tech I deal with so that it's documented at least somewhere.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

DHCP config

The time has come to change servers and I find I didn't make good enough notes about this the first time round!

First thing I'll need is a DHCP server

There's one running from /var/lib/svscan/dhcp cunningly called dhcpd.
Oh software writers and their generic names, though I think if DHCP just did one thing well : "here's my MAC what IP should I use" there wouldn't be any need for more than one version!
Seems the debian package dhcp3-server is the same but with a different name.

The new vers is 3.1.1, OK I've ammended the items in /etc/service to run the new package, I hope the args still work :)

I'll take down the old one and see what I get! - yay all is well in dhcpland - at least for handing Windows an IP and gateway.

Now to take down the internet and install a new gateway!

In order to get dhcpd3 to listen in tap0 I had to :
ed /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server
INTERFACES="eth0 tap0"
/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

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