Record of some of the computer tech I deal with so that it's documented at least somewhere.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Venti Vblade

Yay, I'm serving vblade straight from Venti without any on-disk files.

I've made a Venti File server that mounts /n/vfile/data and read/writes straight to Venti and read/writes on it.

I haven't got a way to mount a particular score which obviously would be useful :>

I'm dd'ing 9fat into it atm. I tried 512 byte block size to fit in with FAT16 but dd was taking ages to copy it.
I've upped to 8192 which is, of course, the 9p block size. Xp will let me format a drive with 8192 size blocks so it should all match up.
When I abandoned the 512 byte dd I figured enough of the 9fat would have got through to the file but XP wanted to format the drive. Hence me choosing 8192, I might match it up later. As it's volatile I'll not worry too much about that just yet.

I had to quickly add vtfileflush to fswrite because the cache instantly filled up. I'll be wanting to sort that out and get some performance !

Fomatting an empty vfile didn't work (though I need to try from a cold boot).
Formatting a normal vblade worked fine.

I wish I knew where I'd put the code!

So I've written the code again (it's not that big!)

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